Andy Mihalop - Verstärkung für die OMCap aus GB

OMCap 2017»News »Andy Mihalop – Verstärkung für die OMCap aus GB“Adrenaline loving digital marketing strategist” Andy Mihalop, so die Selbstbeschreibung des Briten, gesellt sich zum OMCap-Speakers-Team und wir sagen freudig „Welcome abord!“. Erstmalig bietet die OMCap in diesem Jahr auch Vorträge internationaler Referenten auf Englisch an. Ganz neugierig sind wir daher schon auf Andys Vortrag zum Thema: “SEA: PPC in highly competitive markets”. In seiner Rolle als Head of Digital ist Andy Mihalop für PPC, SEO, RTB display und social media advertising für eine der größten Preisvergleichs-Websiten Großbritanniens,, verantwortlich. Heute ist der Brite exklusiv im Interview mit der OMCap!

Andy Mihalop1) Andy, what are you looking forward to on our conference OMCap in Berlin?

I’m looking forward to a great line up of topics and speakers. It’s great to see diversity in the programme. As performance marketers search is our major focus, but areas like cross-channel measurement & attribution, programmatic buying in display advertising and biddable channels in social are becoming increasingly important.

2) Especially in Germany there are several conferences in the field of Online Marketing, what do you think makes the OMCap interesting?

I’ve not attended many industry conferences in Germany previously, but I do attend or speak at a number of UK events and I think the OMCap programme and speaker line-up is really strong. You often learn more at a really focused specialist conference, so in that respect, I expect OMCap to work really well for beginners and experts alike.

3) Did you speak at last year’s conference? What was your personal highlight?

I unfortunately did not, but looking forward to lots of highlights in 2012!

4) Which current developments concerning Online Marketing do you find especially exciting? Which ones will be part of your presentation?

The evolution of performance media from search to RTB display, social media advertising, and more broadly, data driven marketing. As search specialists we have an amazing opportunity to embrace programmatic buying in RTB dispaly and other digital channels. We also need to consider how to utilise and integrate technology platforms to leverage behavioural and customer data. This is really important in highly competitive markets, so I’ll be talking about this and more in my session.

5) Do you think the OMCap is also interesting for newbies? What information can they gain?

Looking at the programme, I’d definitely encourage newbies to attend. You’ll hear from a lot of industry experts who work at the cutting edge of search and performance media. Whether you are from a brand or agency, there will be a lot of practical tips that you can take away and apply in your job. It’s also a great opportunity to network, make new contacts and chat with likeminded people.

Thank you very much, Andy! See you in Berlin!

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