Suchmaschinen-Marketing Experte Cedric Chambaz im Interview

OMCap 2017»News »Suchmaschinen-Marketing Experte Cedric Chambaz im Interview

Cedric Chambaz, of MicrosoftDer führende Experte für Suchmaschinen-Marketing Cedric Chambaz arbeitet als Head of International Marketing von Bing Ads eng mit Werbekunden, um ihnen zu helfen, effektive Online-Strategien zu entwickeln, die ihre Sichtbarkeit steigern, mehr zielgerichtete Kommunikation und eine höhere Rendite bieten. Er ist regelmäßig Referent bei Branchenveranstaltungen und in verschiedenen Business Schools. Auf der Konferenz wird sein Thema wie folgt lauten: “Paid Advertising: Search – Thinking beyond the traditional blue links”. Was ihr hiervon erwarten dürft, erfahrt ihr im folgenden Interview:

OMCap: What can the OMCaper expect from your presentation – and what do you expect from them?
C. Chambaz:
By speaking alongside Yandex and other industry references, I am delighted to be able to help broaden the horizons about search. People tend to forget that a search engine does not search the web, but its index. They forget that an index is only a partial view of the internet (in all sense of the word partial). Consumers, brands, publishers and certainly Search Engines need diversity as it is a premise to innovation and greater user experiences.

OMCap: What work challenge keeps you up at night?
C. Chambaz:
Living up to my team’s expectations… My personal ambition is to work with my head, my hands and more importantly my heart, to constantly learn new ways to fulfil others’ full potential. This is why I am attending OMCap. This is also why I am constantly thinking of ways to make my team more successful, and since they are spanning across APAC, Europe and LATAM, that is plenty to stay mentally engaged… Until my 7-month old son call for attention at least.

bing_147x61OMCap: Can you tell us something about yourself that your team would be surprised to know?
C. Chambaz:
My team would know that I value and embrace wholeheartedly cultural differences. I was indeed born in France and lived in Berlin, Montreal, Singapore, Paris and London… That makes me a citizen of the world, and that may be why I was once casted to star in a Pizza Hut commercial to impersonate a half-Malay, half-Italian Chef. Never thought I had blood from either nation…

OMCap: What social media network or website do you frequent most when you’re not working?
C. Chambaz:
I like the asymmetrical nature of Twitter and how it favors serendipity if you nourish that trait. I am also a keen photographer, so Flickr and Instagram consume the rest of my spare-time.

OMCap: What was the last post from you on a social media platform?
C. Chambaz:
I am quite socially activea person, for both personal and professional purposes. I have lived in many countries and work today across three time-zones, so social networks allow me to remain in touch with the information, people, trends… As I come back to Berlin, I am very likely to have posted a commemorative picture on Instagram or tweeted about the OMCap event. My more personal thoughts will be captured on my blog “A MountainDweller in the Thames Valley

Wir sind neugierig geworden und freuen uns schon jetzt darauf, mehr von Cedric zu hören. Lasst euch seine Session auf der Online Marketing Konferenz am 09. Oktober 2014 nicht entgehen!

Herzlichen Dank an Cedric für das Interview! Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß bei seiner Session.


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