Social Media Experte und OMCap Speaker Andrew Levine im Interview

OMCap 2017»News »Social Media Experte und OMCap Speaker Andrew Levine im Interview

Andrew LevineLevine_Andrew ist Head of Partnerships & Communications bei StumbleUpon und 5by. Andrew führt die Markenintegration mit den großen Medienpartnern und leitet die Kommunikationsstrategie einschließlich Public Relations und Social Media. Er hat Erfahrungen mit Zielgruppenentwicklung, digitalem und experimentellem Marketing, Native Advertising, Public Relations, Social Media und Markenstrategie.
Im folgenden Interview erfahrt ihr mehr zu ihm und seiner Session.

OMCap: The title of your session is “What content rocks on StumbleUpon”. What can the OMCaper expect from your presentation?
A. Levine:
Attendees can expect an overview of StumbleUpon, a deep dive into what kinds of content works best on the platform (on desktop and mobile), some examples of how leading brands and publishers are using the platform, and an overview of 5by, our brand-new video platform.

5by-pink-logo-transparentOMCap: What has been the most exciting work development this year?
A. Levine:
The global launches for our new Android app, which features the Activity Center, and our completed reimagined 5by apps. The new version makes it possible to find, share, and chat about your favorite videos in real-time.

OMCap: What work challenge keeps you up at night?
A. Levine:
The speed of innovation and international expansion planning.

OMCap: Can you tell us something about yourself that your team would be surprised to know?
A. Levine:
If I had time to leave the office and cook lunch every day, I’d do it in a heartbeat.

StumpleuponOMCap: What social media network or website do you frequent most when you’re not working?
A. Levine:
Not working? In a partnerships role, you’re always working. I love our products, StumbleUpon and 5by, because both do a great job of curating the very best from across the web. I’m always reading Digiday for publisher trends, Lost Remote for Social TV trends, TechCrunch to keep up with tech news, Eater for food, and of course, ESPN for sports. I try to stay as active as possible across all social networks but spend the majority of my time on LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter.

Geht es euch wie uns? Das Interview mit Andrew Levine hat Lust auf mehr gemacht. Tragt euch die Session schon mal in eurem OMCap-Programm ein.

Wir möchten uns herzlich bei Andrew für das Interview bedanken und freuen uns, ihn auf der Online Marketing Konferenz persönlich kennenzulernen.

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